Glitches in dynamic reactive graphs

Glitches in dynamic reactive graphs

My reactive library, Fusion, is built around the idea of assembling reactive objects into reactive graphs for processing data and sending instructions.

In most cases, whole self-contained graphs will be completely static; built at once and destroyed at once. However, problems start to arise when graphs are dynamically constructed and destroyed - specifically, when a sub-graph tries to observe state that indirectly determines the shape of the sub-graph itself.

Consider this graph.

local hasSubGraph = scope:Value(true)

local outerComputed = scope:Computed(function(use, scope)
	if use(hasSubGraph) then
		return scope:Computed(function(use)
			return use(hasSubGraph)
		return nil

	local innerComputed = peek(outerComputed)
	if innerComputed == nil then
		print("outerComputed = nil")
		if peek(innerComptued) == true then
			print("innerComputed = true")
			print("innerComputed = false")

Intuitively, only two things should happen as you flick hasSubGraph on and off:

Again, intuitively, the code should not ever print innerComputed = false, because that implies that the inner computed object sees hasSubGraph == false while the outer computed object sees hasSubGraph == true.

However, depending on execution order, this is entirely possible. Both computed objects are direct dependents of hasSubGraph. If the order of updates is not well defined, it’s entirely possible that the inner computed will update before the outer computed, leading to the contradiction we thought was impossible just one paragraph ago.

The solution here is pretty simple; outer state objects must always run before inner state objects. And as luck would have it, you don’t need a complex scope system to achieve that; inner state objects must by necessity be made after the outer state object who controls them, so the most practical way of implementing this is by running the oldest objects first, and the newest objects later. This adequately resolves the glitch for all well-formed examples I can think of.