The next 10 years, beyond Maids

The next 10 years, beyond Maids

Maids have been the dominant destruction pattern in Lua(u) for a decade - but new possibilities await beyond them.

Understanding the context

The original motivation for Maids is what I will call ‘the destruction problem’. Generally, we are working with two kinds of value in Luau:

Garbage collected values aren’t too much hassle to work with, as long as you’re careful not to accidentally hold on to references forever, e.g. via event callbacks. These naturally flow with Luau’s grain and work well.

Manually managed values, however, are a notorious pain in the ass. Parallels can easily be drawn between these values and good old malloc() and free(). Every object creation must be paired with exactly one object destruction. As it turns out, developers kind of suck at this.

It’s easy enough when you only have a few manually managed values. When only a few values are in play, it’s easy to remember and easy to audit, because it all fits roughly in working memory. The problem comes when you’re wading in a small forest of objects, all of which have to be handled correctly. As the number of objects goes up, your capability to catch destruction errors goes down. It’s all too easy for a :destroy() to be forgotten somewhere.

This is the destruction problem. How can we ensure objects are destroyed when we are done with them?

See the forest, not the trees

Let’s recognise a powerful insight. Broadly, lots of values are created and destroyed alongside each other. Therefore, it makes sense to consolidate them. We should be able to group the values into a larger structure that can be destroyed all at once.

This is what Maids do. When you pass a value into a Maid, you are adding that value into a ‘cleanup table’ that keeps track of everything that’s been made so far. When the Maid is destroyed, it runs through that list and destroys everything inside. This effectively consolidates a bunch of small values into one larger value; you have reduced the number of things you need to track.

local function Button(props: Props)
    local scope = Maid()
    local animColoured = scope:give(Spring(scope:give(Computed(function(use)
        return if use(props.Coloured) then 1 else 0
    end)), 50))
    local isHovering = scope:give(Value(false))
    local isPressed = scope:give(Value(false))
    local textColour = scope:give(Computed(function(use)
        local isDark = isColourDark(use(props.Colour)) 
        local atopColour = if isDark then use(Theme.textAtopDark) else use(Theme.textAtopLight)
        return use(Theme.text):Lerp(atopColour, use(animColoured))

    -- ... snip ...


This is such a good idea that it has thrust Maids into almost every top game’s codebase, and for a long time has been a staple of developer toolkits. To be clear, it doesn’t completely solve the destruction problem - it’s effectively kicking the can down the road - but it reduces the number of moving parts, making the problem more tractable.

Growing pains

All this being said, I think there are some notable unsolved problems around Maids. They have a tendency to bloat line length with extra method calls and pairs of parentheses, which typically means code using Maids is harder to understand.

Maids are also fundamentally an opt-in paradigm. If you write code without using Maids, it will look completely normal and unassuming. It won’t error when you try and run it. The only indication that something may be wrong is that your memory usage slowly creeps up over time. All of this is to say: the API design of Maids does nothing to steer you towards using them, and away from writing dangerous code in their absence.

This feeds into another problem with Maids. It is very difficult - perhaps even impossible - to comprehensively statically check that they’re being used for all of your objects. By being opt-in and light-touch, Maids don’t have a clear story for integrating with the increasingly useful static analysis tools Luau provides. Sure, you can type-check that you’re putting the right kind of things into them, but can you check that you’re putting things into them in the first place?

Maids can’t answer these problems. They weren’t designed to do that.

We can.

Make invalid usage unrepresentable

The way to solve this problem is to stop thinking so much about how you’re collecting objects together. Instead, you have to flip the problem on its head, and think about where all that garbage is being generated - in constructors.

As long as constructors don’t have memory management rules baked into them, you will always be able to get around whatever external memory management techniques you’re using, and you’ll never be able to properly enforce them through static analysis. This is how we will move beyond what Maids could ever hope to do.

Let’s assert that objects must be added to a cleanup table somewhere. It is simply invalid to create an object without doing that. 9 times out of 10, this is going to be what you want, and for those few occasions where it isn’t, it’s easy to eat the cost of creating a list just for one object.

Now, take a hint from Rust - make invalid usage unrepresentable through the type system and the API surfaces you expose. For us, that means that constructors must always accept a cleanup table, non-optionally. Whatever they construct, they must add into that table.

local function Button(props: Props)
    local scope = {}
    local animColoured = Spring(scope, Computed(scope, function(use)
        return if use(props.Coloured) then 1 else 0
    end), 50)
    local isHovering = Value(scope, false)
    local isPressed = Value(scope, false)
    local textColour = Computed(scope, function(use)
        local isDark = isColourDark(use(props.Colour)) 
        local atopColour = if isDark then use(Theme.textAtopDark) else use(Theme.textAtopLight)
        return use(Theme.text):Lerp(atopColour, use(animColoured))

    -- ... snip ...


This gives us something that we can annotate with Luau types; as a result, we can now statically analyse our code to check that we are adding our objects to these tables for destruction. If your code passes type checking, you can now strongly guarantee that all of your objects are using cleanup tables. There is simply no other way around it.

Of course, checking whether those tables are ever destroyed themselves is a different question. Remember - consolidation only kicks the can down the road, but it’s a damn good kick.

Finishing touches

At this point, you’ve got a pretty good system going. It’s brilliantly simple to use, and you don’t need OOP fluff just to get clean syntax for adding stuff to your cleanup tables. It happens automatically with very little line bloat, and it’s statically analysable no matter what odd situation you’re stuck in.

If you want to get a truly deluxe developer experience though, you can go one step further and think of constructors as associated methods operating on cleanup tables. That is to say, constructors don’t live outside of cleanup tables, but are the API surface of the cleanup table.

local function Button(props: Props)
    local scope = scoped(Fusion)
    local animColoured = scope:Spring(scope:Computed(function(use)
        return if use(props.Coloured) then 1 else 0
    end), 50)
    local isHovering = scope:Value(false)
    local isPressed = scope:Value(false)
    local textColour = scope:Computed(function(use)
        local isDark = isColourDark(use(props.Colour)) 
        local atopColour = if isDark then use(Theme.textAtopDark) else use(Theme.textAtopLight)
        return use(Theme.text):Lerp(atopColour, use(animColoured))

    -- ... snip ...


This is as simple as getting the cleanup table’s metatable, and pointing its __index at a table of constructors, where the first parameter is the cleanup table itself. This means Luau can interpret those constructors as method calls on the cleanup table, allowing you to use very tidy method call notation.

This is about the minimum level of syntax you could possibly have here, outside of using awkward global state to track stuff. Your argument lists are kept tidy. You can still create objects inline without nesting them in parentheses. It even still works beautifully with curried functions and table/string literal calls. In fact, the single syntax addition over plain code is the name of the cleanup table in front for the method call. It is exceptionally clean.

All of this is achieved with almost zero actual code, too. You only need two functions. One is just shorthand for creating cleanup tables:

local function scoped(constructors)
    return setmetatable({}, {__index = constructors})

The other is used for destroying those cleanup tables, practically the same as what Maids already implement:

local function doCleanup(task)
	local taskType = typeof(task)
	if taskType == "Instance" then
	elseif taskType == "RBXScriptConnection" then
	elseif taskType == "function" then
	elseif taskType == "table" then
		if typeof(task.destroy) == "function" then
		elseif typeof(task.Destroy) == "function" then
		elseif task[1] ~= nil then
			for _, subtask in ipairs(task) do

23 lines of code for a simple, watertight consolidation solution. Not bad!

Closing thoughts

This is the fruit of some long-running research I’ve been doing for Fusion. I was never truly satisfied with Maids as the ‘one solution’ for destruction, and now that I have the words to explain why, it’s led me to these key insights.

Make no mistake; this isn’t a complete picture, merely one of the puzzle pieces. I haven’t got satisfactory answers for the whole of Fusion’s destruction story, and I’m planning to look into other parts of the destruction problem I can tackle.

All I know is that, if consolidation is what you’re after, this will serve you for the next 10 years, beyond Maids.